What is it?
The Bangers to Bluff ® Rally is an annual charity event organised by the Rotary Club of Half Moon Bay (Inc). It is an opportunity to travel from Auckland to Bluff with a small group of likeminded adventurers, on a carefully crafted route through spectacular New Zealand. A unique and rich experience, the start of lifelong friendships and participation in greatly appreciated support for widely loved and respected NZ charities.
Event Dates:
The event for 2025 runs from Auckland to Bluff over 12 days starting on Tuesday 25th March and finishing on Saturday 05th April, 2025.
The event takes a group of fellow travellers (limited to only 16 vehicles) travelling a prescribed route using roads less travelled from Auckland to Bluff via several iconic regions.
The exact route has not been determined at this stage but Stopovers will include:
- Taupo
- Palmerston North
- Wellington
- Motueka (2 nights)
- Hamner Springs
- Christchurch/Akaroa (potentially 2 Nights)
- Oamaru
- Balclutha
- Invercargill (2 nights)
Highlights of the event will include:
- Fields Track
- The Takaka Hill
- Dansys Pass
- The Catlin Coast
The rally registration cost for 2025 is $1250 per vehicle of up to 2 persons with an additional $200 for each additional person.
Banger Sales:
At the end of the rally the organisers arrange an auction for the Bangers to be sold. The Auction is run by William Todd & Co (2011) with the monies raised going to the Rotary Club of Half Moon Bay Charitable Trust (RCHMBCT). Entrants can (if they wish) bid for and buy their Banger back at auction or pay $2000 pre Auction.
NB: Any pre-purchases should be arranged with the Organisers before Auction Day.
Sponsorship and/or Donations:
Entrants must also raise a minimum of $1000 in sponsorship/donations with all monies raised also going to the RCHMBCT. This $1000 is a minimum requirement and it is expected that Entrants will be able to raise/pay significantly more to support the well deserving charities. If the $1000 is as Sponsorship, then GST must be added ie Sponsorship amount must be a minimum of $1150 incl GST.
To help Entrants raise their Donations, a Givealittle page will be set up for the event. This enables friends/family and/or businesses to easily Click and Donate and receive a Tax Deduction Certificate for Donations, with minimal input required by the Organisers.
NB: This is a very important part of our Sponsorship for each entrant. All sponsorship/donations also go to the RCHMBCT.
Accommodation booking is the responsibility of the participants although the organisers provide the itinerary with suggestions for each location. The Organisers will arrange a group booking for the Cook Strait ferry crossing and charge participants accordingly. We prefer that all participants stay in the accommodation list provided to promote fellowship of the event.
charities & donate
The masthead charity is Multiple Sclerosis NZ together with additional charities selected as beneficiaries by the Board of The Rotary Club of Half Moon Bay (Inc).
Banger sponsorship is a key element in raising the funds with which the rally supports Multiple Sclerosis NZ.
Entrants are required to fundraise on behalf of their vehicle/ team, and the funds will be donated to the beneficiaries.
The minimum Donation/Fundraising amount is $1000 and is tax deductible and the alternative Sponsorship amount is $1000 plus GST ( ie $1150). Please note this is not to be confused with the Registration fee, which is $1000. This minimum Fundraised amount has to be paid to the Organisers on or before the 25th February 2025. Note this is 1 month before the departure date of 25th March 2025. It would be appreciated by the organisers that any additional amounts raised after this date and during the Rally be submitted as soon as practicable.
Entrants will be supplied with some promotional decals for their vehicle, although space will still be available on your Banger for your own supporters and sponsors. Please note that all decals and any other marketing material must be removed at Invercargill before the Auction at 5.00 pm on Saturday 5th April 2025.
There are two levels of Sponsorship:
- Gold: $1000 – $1500: Display 2 Decals your sponsor’s image on your Banger.
- Platinum: $2000 – $ 5000 plus GST: Display your sponsor’s logo/image on up to 10 Bangers plus the opportunity to have your decals on all Bangers at an additional cost per decal per Banger.
Donations can be accepted directly by The Rotary Club of Half Moon Bay organisers, but to make this easy and transparent, the rally organisers encourage the use of Givealittle for all amounts under $500.
the challEnge
The challenge is to drive a vehicle registered and with a current WOF, costing less than $2000 from Auckland to Bluff and finish at Invercargill. Whilst the rally is not a driving competition there is a Trophy and several surPrizes. Banger Points are awarded, and will influence the organisers awarding of the Trophy and surPrizes.
The rally is a fun, friendly event and the objective is to gain the most Banger Points with the winner being awarded a “suitable” trophy. Banger Points are awarded for:
- The “Banger” country of origin: The country of origin is the country that built the car at the time/date of manufacture. eg Skoda up to Dec 1990 is East European and post 1990 is German.
- Japanese or Korean: Zero Points
- Australian: 50
- German: 100 points
- USA and Canada 100 points
- Swedish 100 points
- Chinese 150 points
- Indian 150 points
- East German or Russian 200 points
- British: 250 points
- Spanish 250 points
- French and Italian : 275 Points
- Any country not mentioned above 300 points
- Purchase price: 10 Banger Points per $50 under $2000. Eg if Purchase price $1500 then 100 Banger Points
- Peoples’ choice award: 100 Banger Points
A vote will be held at some point after the start for the Banger Peoples’ Choice. Your vote will determine which vehicle/team (other than your own), deserves being awarded the 100 Banger Points for: Flair; Style; Desirability. - Various challenges on the way which will carry Banger Points.
- Temporary breakdowns such as punctures, broken fan belt, overheating etc. will incur 20 penalty Banger Points per hour (or part thereof) for late arrivals after the last able-bodied car at the destination that day. This does not include any other rally car requested to undertake a tow to a destination garage.
- Terminal breakdowns will incur negative 1000 Banger Points and it is up to the team to hitch a lift to the end of the rally with another team or find their own way back home. Disposal or salvage of the vehicle is the sole responsibility of the participant.
The winner of the Banger Points award will receive a suitably engraved trophy.
The Banger must be a vehicle purchased for $2000 dollars or less (all amounts inclusive of GST), including current registration and current warrant of fitness.
The $2000 does NOT include any monies you decide to spend to dress it up and/or make it more reliable.
Both the Banger registration and the warrant of fitness must have at least three months to run after to the completion of the rally.
Each vehicle must also carry a spare tire, a mobile phone and appropriate maps or GPS.
This will be progressively updated
A Support Vehicle will travel with the group and will help with basic repairs, and if necessary call in Major Sponsor AA Roadservice who will endeavour to get the Banger mobile and if not then transport to the nearest Garage. AA Roadservice are providing this service Free of Charge to all Bangers, but the costs of any repairs- remain the responsibility of the Entrant. In the event of a breakdown the rally will continue and it is the responsibility of the “breakdown” Banger, to catch up. During the Rally there will be at least two “rest days”, where we will be staying in the same accommodation.
How do i enter?
Registrations are now open for 2025. You can fill Registration 2025 form or call him on 021 0606378 to register your interest.
Route and accommodation
What is the Route? The basic route plan avoids the main highways that most of us have been up and down so many times and is around 300 Km per day. The maps on the right (click to enlarge) will give you the route for each island and the approximate total distance is 2,300+km.
Detail on the accommodation will be emailed to you after Registration is received. We recommend that you book in at the same venues for handy access to the team, your fellow travellers and the daily “Happy Hour”.
frequently asked questions
Q: What is the Bank account number for payment of entry fees, sponsorships and large donations? ( NB Smaller donations ( less than $500 should be made through our 2024 Givalittle page)?
A: Westpac Bank Account No 03 0166 0436357 00 Account Name: The Rotary Club of Half Moon Bay Charitable Trust
Q: Who pays for the decals on the car?
A: The Rally Organisers will pay for the official Rally decals on both front doors, they will also pay for any additional decals acknowledging other contributors and sponsors which will be placed by agreement on another available panel.
You will pay for the decals specific to your team and its sponsors, the Rally Organisers can facilitate the production and provision of these at your cost. In the case of sponsorships, a Gold sponsorship qualifies for decal/s on the car sponsored which must include the cost of the decal. Platinum Sponsorship carries the right to place decals on all cars, and the sponsorship must include the cost of the decals. If there is a conflict of interest with decals the Rally organisers will make a ruling, which will be final.
Q: What is the difference between sponsorship and donation?
A: Sponsorship payments raised by the participants are subject to GST as the sponsor receives a benefit/service in the form of exposure, advertising on the car, etc.
Donations are not subject to GST and the payee qualifies for a 33 cents in the dollar rebate. The organisers prefer donations be made through the Givealittle website with donors noting which team they are supporting. As a registered charity, Give a Little will issue donors with a tax receipt and send us a single payment each month, together with a list of the donors and details of which team they supported. If you prefer to send donations direct to Rotary Club of Half Moon Bay Charitable Trust please include full name and address of the donors (and email address if possible). A Tax receipt will be issued.
Q: What are the arrangements as regards Accommodation?
A: You are responsible for your accommodation and payment there-of. The Rally Organisers will include recommended venues for each stop in the Rally. This is where the support vehicles will be based and the details of these venues will be included in the Rally information, but you are not obligated to stay there, However because “Happy Hour” and fellowship takes place at 4.30 pm each day it is easier if we are all accommodated at the same location. This also assists compulsory morning briefings.
You will be sent an Accommodation list once you have registered and it is highly recommended
that you book early…as some of the stops have limited options.
Q: What happens if my car breaks down?
A: In the event that a vehicle cannot be repaired satisfactorily, it is the responsibility of the Entrant to legally “dispose” of it. If the vehicle is “terminal” and depending on when and where the incident occurs, all efforts will be made to either, spread the team and luggage over other vehicles, including the support vehicles. If the vehicle is not “terminal” the “fleet” will continue on its way and it is the responsibility of the entrant to catch up. There are two rest days to facilitate this.
Q: What happens if I want to keep my Banger?
A: You want to keep your reliable old “Banger”. Prior to departing from Auckland, a payment of $2000 will be required for the Banger, and this amount will be paid to the organisers to add to funds raised for charity. Alternatively, you can bid for it at the auction along will all the other buyers trying to buy your Banger.
Q: I want to do the rally but don’t have a car and have other things to get organised before I can pay the registration.
A: Based on previous events the Rally will be fully subscribed and will have a waiting list.
Accordingly, unfortunately we cannot hold any positions pending payment of the registration form. Thus to ensure your position on the Rally we require the registration form with the $1250 deposit. This is refundable up to 30th October 2024.
If the 2025 Event has to be cancelled, the $1250 will be refunded.
Q: What happens in the event of a Cancellation
A: In our current uncertain Covid environment there is the potential for cancellation of the Rally:
- The Full Rally Fee is refundable by 30th October 2024 if you withdraw by that date.
- If you withdraw after 31st October 2024 the $1250 can be donated (tax deductible) to the RCHMBCT or carried over to the following year and offset against the next year’s Rally fees.
- If Covid restrictions mean the Bangers to Bluff 2025 event is cancelled, (at the discretion of the Organisers), a full refund will be available on request. Alternatively this refund can be changed to a (tax deductible) donation or carried over to the next event.
In the past we had the issue of being oversubscribed, (Absolute max is 16 Bangers) so we urge you to register and secure your spot, with the understanding of Cancellation as per above.
So…guarantee your position in the Rally by sending in your Registration Form now.
Q: Decals. Please explain about Sponsor Decals
A: Sponsor Decals:
If you get sponsorship from a company that wants their Logo or acknowledgement on one or a number of vehicles, see the following guidelines.
- Supplier: The Organisers have a supplier, Grafix Wall Art,(Grafix) , that has provided these for all previous events.
- Artwork: Can be provided electronically to the Organisers (smaclaren11@gmail.com) in virtually any format eg: JPEG; PDF: PNG. This will be collated and forwarded to Grafix.
- Material: The provider uses a German decal material that is semi-permanent. This means that when the decals have to be removed at the end of the Event…there is no damage to the paintwork and they are relatively easy to remove.
- Alternative Supplier: If an Entrant has their own supplier, then it is important that the right material is used. ie easy to remove.
- Production: To keep costs to a minimum we provide all decal artwork to Grafix 4 weeks before the start date so that they can run the whole lot as a batch, so minimising waste and so keeping costs down.
- Delivery: The complete set of Decals will then be couriered/delivered to the Entrants.
- If this production deadline is missed Grafix will still produce the Decal up to a week before departure, with supply on the day of departure. There will be an additional cost for these Decals done as a one off.
Decal Placement, Size and Cost:
A guide will be provided showing where certain key decals are to be positioned.
The “sacred spots” reserved for the Organisers and Event Sponsors are:
- Top of the Windscreen.
- Top half of Driver’s and Passenger’s door.
- Bonnet.
Decals are limited in size to approx. 350 sq cm. These can be virtually any style eg portrait/landscape/ panorama etc.
Decal cost is $25 each plus Gst when ordered as part of the bulk order and includes Courier cost.
When ordered individually they will be priced accordingly.= $30 plus Gst.
Number of Sponsor Decals:
- Platinum Sponsorship: Over $ 1500 (plus GST) Up to 2 Decals on your Banger plus option to have ( at Sponsor’s cost) 2 decals per Banger.
- Eg Sponsor A:
- Chooses $1750 plus GST sponsorship plus 2 Decals for one other vehicle Additional cost 2 x $25 =$50 plus GST.
- Eg Sponsor B:
- Chooses $3500 (Plus GST) sponsorship plus 1 decal for every Banger (Currently 20 Bangers) Additional cost to Sponsor = 20 x $25 = $500 plus GST. This will be invoiced separately.
- Eg Sponsor A:
- Gold Sponsorship $1000 – $1500 includes 2 Decals on your Banger.
What Happens if I don’t get a Sponsor?
Don’t worry if you don’t get a major sponsor…your Banger will be adorned by Event and Charity decals plus any Platinum Sponsor decals.
In the past we had the issue of being oversubscribed, (Absolute max is 18 Bangers) so we urge you to register and secure your spot , with the understanding of Cancellation as per above.
So…secure your position in the Rally by sending in your Registration Form now.
Rotary Club of Half Moon Bay
Contact: David Jamieson, 021 0606378 or davidjam12003@yahoo.co.uk
“Bangers to Bluff” is a registered Trade Mark of the Rotary Club Of Half Moon Bay Inc.